Cloud Payroll: What Features Should You Evaluate in the Latest Cloud Payroll Solutions?
In the realm of business operations, it’s only in recent times that we’ve genuinely begun to tap into the profound advantages the cloud offers, especially in the context of payroll management. The first wave of cloud payroll solutions […]
Cloud-based payroll, also known as cloud payroll or online payroll, is an increasingly popular approach to managing payroll processes for businesses. According to the CIPP’s Future of Payroll survey, 37% of respondents are already using a cloud based […]
Navigating the first few hires in a new Small Business
Starting a new business is an exciting and often daunting time with all of the admin, compliance and other pitfalls that the new founder has to navigate. For many businesses the first few hires can mean the difference between […]
How and when to register for PAYE
When to register As an employer there are certain tax related obligations that must be met and a primary one for almost all businesses is “Pay As You Earn”, or PAYE.  It is a legal requirement to register […]
Pitfalls and Paradoxes: Setting Up Successful Bonus Schemes, a guide for Start-ups
Introducing a bonus scheme within a start-up or small business can be a strategic move with multiple benefits. It’s often seen as a way to foster team performance, attract talent, or even as a response to team members’ […]
Should I outsource payroll?
In the annals of business, outsourcing payroll has always been considered a logical move. Navigating through the labyrinths of look-up tables, issuing cheques, and drafting payslips were all monotonous and painstaking tasks, prone to inaccuracies that could impact […]